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Removing setup.cfg from my Python project

Yesterday, I posted about my adventure in learning to package and publish Python code. My first try was successful; I created a command line utility that can now be installed from TestPyPI. However, I had decided to use a setup.cfg file, which is not really necessary since you could just move all necessary information into the pyproject.toml. This is what I did.

As before, you can get my source using this command:

git clone

(this article describes tag 1.0.3).

The project structure has not really changed much: I did not touch any source files. I did delete the setup.cfg, of course, and I referenced my LICENSE and files in my pyproject.toml, as you can see here:

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "astharoshe_hello"
version = "1.0.3"
description = "test/example/template project"
authors = [{name="", email=""}]
license = {file = "LICENSE"}
classifiers = [
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)",
    "Operating System :: OS Independent"
readme = ""

dependencies = []

requires-python = ">=3.10"

astharoshe_hello = "astharoshe_hello.main:main"

Most parts have straight-forward corresponding entries, so switching to a pure pyproject.toml structure was very simple. And since I do not intend to support any old versions of Python (unless I must, for some reason), not having a setup.cfg should not bring any disadvantages to me.

This change also now fixes the missing documentation, so that is also nice.


Getting rid of another file feels really good. It moves the needle closer to "creating a new Python project is simple". I still could not do it again from memory, but this is not expected when doing it for the first time.

I have also learned today that a pyproject.toml without an explicit "build-backend" section falls back to using setuptools anyway, so I could even forget that section, but the guide recommends adding it. I guess "explicit is better than implicit", which I like. So while this information does not change what I write, I at least feel encouraged that my choice of using setuptools as the build backend really is some kind of default and therefore a good decision.

I have also played shortly with uv and it really goes into the right direction. I am however not happy about it being written in Rust. This makes installing it unnecessarily complicated when running on less supported systems like my OpenBSD notebook - then again, I was positively delighted that my Raspberry Pi could just download a pre-built wheel file, which made the installation trivial. I like the performance and stability of Rust programs, but am I weird to think that such fundamental tools should also be available in the language it handles itself? Maybe someone will write a uv compatible replacement in pure Python if uv itself is successful?

astharoshe-hello on TestPyPI